IZI LLC Instructor Biographies

Soraya Oliveira
is a Psychoanalyst and body Therapist. She loves to paint and sing. She was first introduced to Self I-Dentity through Ho`oponopono®️ ( SITH®️) in 2012. After taking the Basic II class in Hawaii she became the a coordinator of for the IZI LLC classes in Belo Horizonte, Brazil in 2018. She became an Instructor in 2021, with instructing ONLINE classes in Brazil and Hawaii.
Countless changes have amazed her in her life since her first contact with Ho’oponopono. She has experienced how Peace is possible by the simple choice of relentlessly maintaining the SITH®️ processes, taking 100% responsibility for cleaning and letting go. She has found this simple and lovely process is very profound and transformative. The angle from which she sees life unfolding, becoming vast, permeated with unusual possibilities. And by this amazing Morrnah Simeona’s gift – SITH®️, there is the powerful feeling of gratitude and love for living the freedom that comes with inspiration.

Sena Alp
learned Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® (SITH®) in 2012 from Mary Koehler – My Wild Irish Rose. From that time cleaning is her way of life. Sena has taught classes ONLINE in the US, Alaska, and Turkey and classes IN PERSON in Germany, Romania and Turkey.
She experienced the treasure and the freedom of cleaning. Her experience with Ho’oponopono showed her the perfection in more things. She felt more often the purity and the connection with life For Sena, Ho’oponopono is a very special gift given for us to remember who we are.